PATHways to an Efficient Future Energy System through Flexibility aND SectoR Coupling

Partners: ETHZ, EMPA, PSI, ZHAW, HSLU, UNIGE, EPFL, and 25 industrial partners including WWZ, Siemens, Axpo, BKW, Urban Sympheny
Duration: 04/2021 - 04/2027
Funding: SFOE
Project Leader: Prof. André Bardow & Dr. Christian Schaffner at ETHZ. FEN is leading WP2 on "Pathways on a district/village/city scale"
Project Team: Dr. Turhan Demiray, Dr. Adamantios Marinakis, Nikos Savvapoulos, Dr. C. Yaman Evrenosoglu

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external pageSFOE website for PATHFNDR WP2

external pageSFOE website for PATHFNDR

PATHFNDR ObjectiveThe PATHFNDR consortium will address this systemic challenge with the overall objective to find feasible pathways towards an efficient, flexible, resilient, cost-effective, and sustainable energy system by resolving the role and opportunities for flexibility options covering all energy carriers across sectors. Consistent pathways map out the energy transition to 2050 and go beyond classical techno-economic analysis by resolving suitable business models, policies, and public acceptance measures and integrating national and regional perspectives embedded in the European setting. For this purpose, a comprehensive methodology will be established that builds on a broad range of existing models, tools and demonstrator platforms as well as qualitative approaches such as case-study research and integrates technical, economic, regulatory, and social disciplines. This methodology will systematically support the transition of solutions into practice. Therefore, the second overall objective of the PATHFNDR consortium is to demonstrate the identified feasible paths by designing, building, operating, and studying two energy systems coupling several energy forms: one by exploiting flexibility options in existing infrastructure, and the other by creating novel infrastructure for flexibility-enhanced energy systems. The specific objectives of the consortium are:

O1. Providing the Swiss energy system stakeholders with consistent pathways on how best to exploit flexibility options across sectors and spatiotemporal scales to integrate renewable energy sources in all energy carriers.

O2. Providing policymakers and public administration with a. evidence-based insights on policy and regulatory frameworks for the technical design and operation of flexible multi-energy systems and for business models to enable utilization of flexibility, including sector coupling. b. measures for end-user acceptance and participation of citizens in the new energy habitat. 

O3. Providing utilities and grid operators with tools and strategies for both long-term investment planning and for the secure operation of distributed flexibility using digitalization.

O4. Providing industrial/commercial/residential site-owners with demonstrated technologies and the corresponding planning and operating strategies for exploiting the flexibility of local resources

O5. Provide existing actors and potential new actors (i.e., actors with new roles such as aggregators, actors from other sectors such as transportation, investment) with business opportunities, market mechanisms and strategies to exploit novel flexibility options.

The role of FEN: Leading the WP2 on Pathways on a district/village/city scale. Leading the activities in (i) T2.3 on planning of multi-energy systems considering uncertainty and utilisation of ubiquitous flexibility, and (ii) T2.4 on operation of multi-energy networks with coordinated utilisation of the flexibility resources.

WP2 Objective (led by FEN) is to identify the value of the various local distributed resources (generation, demand, technologies in various energy vectors), as well as the specific role that they can play, as part of an optimal pathway to a flexible and low-carbon energy system. The potential of these resources will be identified, while methods and tools will be developed, enabling the holistic utilization of the distributed and abundant flexibility, stemming from all energy carriers, such that the flexibility needs at both national and regional level are satisfied in an economic and reliable manner. Optimal infrastructure expansion and operational strategies for Swiss local energy utilities and site operators will be proposed ensuring that the networks of different energy carriers (ie. electricity, gas and heat), in which billions of Swiss francs have been already invested, are capitalized upon to exploit the synergies between such networks. Following, the research questions addressed in this project are itemized:

  1. How much flexibility can the various end-users provide to the system?
  2. What new infrastructure investments should the distribution utilities undertake and when? How can they perform planning analysis in the new uncertain and multi-dimensional environment? Can they avoid infrastructure investments by utilizing flexibility that is available in their networks?
  3. How should the distribution networks of the various energy carriers be operated such that the utilization of the ubiquitous flexibility resources is coordinated at the local level?
  4. What is the value of local flexibility for distribution utilities, cities and municipalities? What are their ”flexibility needs”?
  5. What are the benefits (and potential risks) of coupling electrical, thermal and gas distribution systems with energy conversion technologies as well as the transportation sector in local multienergy systems?


In Switzerland and elsewhere, the energy transition is entering a new phase of development. The advances made in renewable energy technologies such as photovoltaics and wind have dramatically reduced their cost. This cost reduction has significantly accelerated the adoption of renewable energy sources. Now, recent scientific assessments of climate change by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have firmly established the need to rapidly transition to net-zero GHG emissions. Governments and companies have responded to this need. The Swiss Federal Council decided in August 2019 to establish a climate-neutral Switzerland by 2050. This decision affects all activities of our societies and, in particular, the energy sector since it is responsible for the largest share of GHG emissions today. The energy transition has, therefore, both a clear goal and a fixed timeframe.

Reaching the goal of net-zero GHG emissions by 2050 requires the energy transition to go beyond electricity and cover all sectors. For this purpose, the advances made in renewable electricity generation become the key enabler. This role is further strengthened in Switzerland by the decision in the Energy Act of January 2018 to exit nuclear power. Renewable electricity can then be used to decarbonize adjacent sectors, including transport (rail, road), heating, and industries. We already see this trend by the wider diffusion of electric vehicles and heat pumps. Electrification is, therefore, by now generally recognized as a central element of the energy transition.

At the same time, major challenges resulting from electrification are also already known today: Integrating further sectors will strongly increase both peak and total demand for electricity. This demand increase calls for more efficient use of energy. Energy carriers beyond electricity will still be needed but in a decarbonized form. Most importantly, this sector-coupled energy system will fundamentally rely on
variable renewable energy sources. Coping with the variable energy input requires flexibility to ensure reliable demand and supply. Thus, the goal, timeline and fundamental trends of the energy transition are established. Still, the actual steps and mechanisms of this transition are still largely unclear.

The objectives of WP2 will be tackled by five (5) tasks, as demonstrated in the figure as

(Task 1) identification of future scenarios and the objectives of the stakeholders,

(Task 2) identification and quantification of flexibility potentials at the end-user side, considering the relevant energy vectors (electricity, gas, heating, transportation),

(Task 3) designing multi-energy systems for end-user sites as well as utility-owned infrastructure at district, village, and city levels,

(Task 4) operating such systems on an hourly or sub-hourly basis, and,

(Task 5) assessing the value as well as the operational risks of such systems.

WP2 tasks and the responsibilities
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