The role of AI in the future energy system

Research Center for Energy Networks (Forschungsstelle Energienetze-FEN) delivered a keynote speech on the role of AI/ML in the design, operation, and control of the future energy system at the European event "Theme Development Workshop: AI for Future Energy & Sustainability." 

by Forschungsstelle Energienetze (FEN)

Dr. Adamantios Marinakis, gave a keynote speech on the role of AI/ML in the design, operation, and control of the future energy system at the external pageTheme Development Workshop: AI for Future Energy & Sustainability.

The projects external pageTAILOR, external pageHumane AI Net, external pageVISION and external pageCLAIRE AISBL are organising a series of joint Theme Development Workshops (TDW) to bring together key players from specific industry sectors with key AI researchers, as well as additional stakeholders.

external pageEuropean AI Alliance

FEN is part of the AISOP Project funded by ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems on AI-assisted decision support system that supports operational planning for electric distribution system operators. [external pageDedicated project website]

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