BNetzA Reference Network Analysis

Partners: ETHZ (FEN), Swiss Economics, Sumicsid
Duration: 2021 - 2023
Funding: BNetzA (German Federal Agency)
Project Leader: Swiss Economics. FEN is responsible for the technical part of the data collection and the RNA.
Project Team: Dr. Turhan Demiray, Dr. Alexander Fuchs

external pageBundesnetzagentur website

external pageSwiss Economics website

The Research Center for Energy Networks (FEN) of ETH Zurich is part of a consortium led by external pageSwiss Economics that conducts a reference network analysis (RNA) of the German transmission system operators (TSOs) for the German Federal Network Agency in the fourth regulatory period. In this process, an optimization procedure determines a cost-​efficient and technically secure network, which forms the basis for the TSOs' efficiency assessment. FEN is responsible for the technical part of the data collection and the RNA.

Please visit the external pageBNetzA website (in German) for the background.


  • Definition of data templates and guides
  • Data management
  • Data validation
  • Reference network analysis

[Tool: in-house FlexDYN]

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