Partners: ETHZ (FEN), Repower
Duration: 11/2023 - 11/2024
Funding: SGEN
Project Leader: ETHZ (FEN)
Project Team: Dr. Alexander Fuchs, Dr. Adamantios Marinakis, Dr. Turhan Demiray

  • Main research question: What are the benefits of a new pumped-storage power plant from an overall system perspective, especially for the integration of photovoltaics?
  • Potential use cases: close the winter gap, integrate solare PV (normal and alpine), support the ES2050+ goals for RES, relieve the network during redispatch
  • How can pump storages support these use cases?
  • When should the pump storage be available?
  • Pumpstorage power plants store electricity for the duration of hours to a few weeks.
  • The winter gap of Switzerland is distributed at intermittent intervals with the duration of hours to a few weeks.
  • The future import capacities from other European market zones to Switzerland are uncertain and could be reduced.
  • Several initiatives for alpine photovoltaics aim at closing the winter gap but can not operate during night.
  • Create future reference scenarios (prices, system demand, PV-generation) for different use cases.
  • Quantify benefit of pump storage for different system levels (local, Swiss, European).
  • Redispatch and congestion management with pump storage.
  • Economic cost-benefit analysis.
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