Model network analysis and cost driver assessment for DSOs

Partners: ETHZ (FEN), Swiss Economics
Duration: 09/2022 - 03/2023
Funding: Governmental agency
Project Leader: Swiss Economics (Dr. Urs Trinker, Nicolas Oderbolz, Andreas Stritt)
Project Team: Dr. C. Yaman Evrenosoglu, Dr. Alexander Fuchs

external pageSwiss Economics project website (German)

  • Redefinition of suitable structural and performance parameters (output parameters) for the identification of influencing variables for the dimensioning of network facilities (cost drivers) for electricity distribution network operators, as well as their functional correlations.
  • With regard to the electricity distribution system operators in the country of interest, their different sizes, the relevant voltage levels and also the heterogeneity of the generation structure and, if applicable, consumption structure in the respective grid area to be considered.
  • The electricity distribution system operators (DSOs) in the country of interest are subject to an incentive regulation system under which the governmental agency can set an individual efficiency factor (Xind) for each system operator.
  • The methodological basis for the benchmarking of the current regulatory period is, among others, an expert opinion from early 2000s.
  • The initial supply task of the power grids has changed due to the transformation of the energy system with a changed decentralized feed-in structure, changes in the consumption behavior (electrification of entire sectors, such as mobility and industry), a new expert review of this topic is required.

Assessment of structural and performance (output) parameters by means of model network analysis (NE3 - NE7) using different proliferation levels of solar PVs, wind parks, heat pumps and EV charging demand.

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