TSO-DSO Interaction in Switzerland

  • Review state of the TSO-DSO interaction in Switzerland
  • Survey with participants of the Swiss electricity sector - identify most promising topic for detailed case study
  • Case study 1: Balancing energy from the distribution grid
  • Case study 2: TSO-DSO coordination for congestion management
  • Hierarchical organization of Swiss electricity system with grid levels and operators
  • Limited communication between TSO and DSOs
  • Increasing operational, organizational or security challenges simultaneously affecting both TSO and DSO.
  • Potential value from increased interaction, for example during congestions in meshed TSO-DSO networks.  
Circle representing DSO-grid embedded in ellipse representing swissgrid-grid with 3 connection arrows representing trafos
150-kV DSO-grid (EWZ) with 3 connections to the 220-kV TSO-grid (Swissgrid).
  • Current state of Swiss TSO-DSO coordination sufficient
  • Most interaction for repeating issues (planned outages, grid reinforcements)
  • Economic value and higher security through increased coordination
  • Possible increase of transit power flow across Switzerland by coordinated transformer control between Swissgrid and DSOs with meshed network.
3D polytope with 2D surface representing secure operating range of DSO-trafos
Secure trafo capacity and operating surface of the DSO-grid.
2D plot, y axis is additional import capacity as function of x axis (voltage level distribution). Different colors for different loads in DSO-grid.
Additional Swiss import capacity through coordination of EWZ-transformers. As a result, Switzerland can import around 500 MW more from Germany for many voltage and load scenarios.

Partners: ETHZ (FEN), EWZ, Swissgrid AG
Duration: 08/2016 - 02/2018
Funding: SGEN
Project Leader: ETHZ
Project Team: Dr. Alexander Fuchs

Project report (in German)

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